Monday, November 2, 2009

ROC Collection- Dream Outdoors launches new Meeting and Incentive experiences

Todd Gehrke CTIE Dream Outdoors Director Corporate Experiences 843.492.4924 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dream Outdoors Launches ROC Collection, Future of Meeting and Incentive Strategy ASPEN, COLORADO (October 21, 2009)—With a selection of unique travel partners in its initial portfolio,Dream Outdoors (DO) is launching the ROC Collection to bring a new level of return on investment to companies who want to use corporate meetings and incentives to drive results to the bottom line. With founding members that include distinguished brands like Lindblad Expeditions, Cork and Tee, 5 Ring Insight,North Haven Resort, David Denies, Nervous Waters, Kodiak Legends Lodge, Synection, and Adventure Associates, Dream Outdoors is in the enviable position of delivering the ROC Collection—for “return on commitment”—to organizations excited about a boutique partner who can provide strategic direction and unique concepts while overcoming traditional challenges associated with travel incentives and meeting initiatives. “We have been able to bring some of the best brands in the world into a innovative program that is totally committed to helping companies drive excellence,” said Dream Outdoors President and Chief Executive Officer Matt Pfohl. “For Dream Outdoors that’s a dream come true.” DO manages the collection of brands to ensure that each experience is driven by a company’s business objectives and professional goals—by integrating them with individual lifestyle passions. The result: the most effective active and sporting programs available anywhere in the world. “Our team has always believed that our travel experiences are not simply luxury but also a very affective corporate tool to increase loyalty and inspire performance.” said Lindblad Expedition’s Director of Sales Kathy Johns. “A partnership with Dream Outdoors allows us to be a part of a larger community, the ROC Collection, with similar suppliers who also believe in that same level of effectiveness.” After submitting an online RFS—“Request For Solution”—clients work directly with Dream Outdoors to uncover and align true business objectives with the interests of individual participants. DO’s exclusive portfolio of unique experiences are then deployed to deliver incentive solutions, customer loyalty experiences, corporate retreats,and/or leadership development programs that empower your customers, leaders, and top performers to achieve success. The highest quality specialty tour operators, small ship expeditions, and strategic facilitators in the business make that promise into a reality. The ROC Collection thus offers organizations an opportunity to continue utilizing unique experiential meeting and incentives to execute on corporate objectives. Through our unique ROC Online community, executives and meeting professionals can research potential business solutions and gather useful industry data from qualified business facilitators. This social network is especially essential when justifying experiential corporate programs to colleagues and executives. Since 2004 Dream Outdoors has successfully helped organizations to leverage experiential travel to drive results. Through our knowledge of experiential learning in the active travel industry and meetings marketplace, our team offers a unique collaborative approach to design experiences to provide a return on investment that mirrors a company’s commitment to its customers, managers, and leaders.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Don’t merely watch... experience the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. This destination corporate performance training event takes place at the site of the 2002 Olympic Games in Park City, Utah. Highly competent Olympians are your instructors and companions throughout a day filled with activities and discussion that will engage your mind on the topic of elite performance. Watch the Winter Olympic games at a luxury resort... dine on exquisitely prepared meals and participate in compelling 5Ring Insight corporate performance training. • Daily 5Ring Insight Courses • Bobsled down the Olympic track • Shoot on the Olympic Biathlon Course • Ski in world-class Utah back-country • Zip-Line down the 500 foot Olympic ski jump EXPERIENCE the 2010 Winter Olympics... like you can only imagine. The Team The 5Ring Insight team is comprised of accomplished world-class athletes who succeed in converting their knowledge about sports performance into real-world success. In addition to their Olympic experience, our Associates are leaders in the corporate world, with advanced degrees from prestigious universities. Training Opportunities Understanding the dynamic between the impact of Olympic athleticism and the ernest desire for elite professional insight is a primary force for the distinctive 5RI Experience. 5Ring Insight curriculum incorporates the principles of elite athletic performance into the context of elite organizational success both individually and from a team perspective. Topics covered vary by conference and can be customized to meet the needs of specific clients. These are some sample topics: • Attack: Pressing Your Competition • Commitment: Adopting Genuine Change • Commitment: The Cost of Your Goals • Communication: Transcend Individuality • Communication: Women vs. Men • Destiny Control • Focus: Choice of Lens To Impact Action • Focus: Define the Mission-Inform the Goal • Leadership: Protecting the Team From Destructive Forces • Multi-tasking: Optimal Performance With Competing Priorities • Operating Under Scrutiny • Performing: Ethics Every Day • Precision: Deliberate in Every Detail • Precision: Seeking the Revolutionary Idea • Resources: Leverage Your Competition • Resources: Use Risk to Know Passion • Retirement as "The Beginning" • Teamwork: Honesty in Role and Responsibility • The High Price of Failure • Values: Living the Balanced Life • Who Are You Performing For?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Unique Patagonia Experience

Imagine conquering an unexplored river aboard one of our jet boats, or boarding our helicopter to fly to discover a totally pristine lagoon nested atop one of the many summits of the Andes Mountains. Upon setting foot on land, teams contend against each other, for the honor of capturing the best photograph of a native bird species... Now stop dreaming and take a look at The Ultimate Conquest, the Nomads of the Seas adventure: a program that features world-class service and infrastructure that is a breakthrough in incentive trips. A challenge and experience that every participant will treasure. Why is Nomads for incentives? Nomads of the Seas is a unique operation. Southern Patagonia is a spectacular destination. There are thousands of unexplored sites that, with the help of our guides and their professional training and knowledge of the area, can be the perfect setting for diverse and highly dynamic activities, specially designed for each program. We are able to offer maximum flexibility, adapting the trip duration, itinerary, activities and services of the tour to the needs and objectives of each group. You may also rely on us to organize tailor-made thematic trips. We can turn participants into scientists on a mission to analyze the behavior of cetaceans, stage the ultimate survival workshop, arrange for an enriching fly fishing experiential course or get everybody involved in a scouting project. Every morning our guests will wake up to different sceneries and schedules filled with new activities that include the use of amazing, cutting-edge gear. If the base for your expedition is our ship, you can be certain that we will provide a warm and inviting atmosphere, conducive to a relaxed, friendly and open interaction among all our guests. This environment allows you to break free from the restrictions and formalities of the "real world". Become part of a team, share exciting experiences and ideas. We have the highest service and safety standards, A.B.S. + A1 (E) Passenger Vessel + A.M.S. that comply with I.M.O. and S.O.L.A.S. regulations. ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 certified.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dream Outdoors Executive Community

Dream Outdoors is getting ready to unveil a new online community for Executives. The community will include access to a portfolio of unique event experiences as well as access to key strategic facilitators. This will be a one stop solution for anyone looking for a place to come together and discuss experiences for Executive Retreats, Professional Development, Client Entertaiment, and Incentive programs. You will have the ability to submit RFP's and recieve custom objective driven experience solutions to meet your event needs. Dream Outdoors has reached out to leading Strategic Trainers and Development Professionals to compliment the community by offering insight and solution topics that can be integrated with destination based programs. Althought the focus will be on active and sporting programs, participants will be encouraged to network and find the services they need in any area. In a time when organizations are searching for effective corporate event tools that provide a high return on objectives, Dream Outdoors hopes to provide a custom solution to meet the needs of the experiential marketplace.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

USTA Guidelines for TARP

Corporate Standards for Meetings, Events and Incentive/Recognition Travel Talking Points • The business practices of our customers impact the welfare of our industry, our employee base and the economic health of the communities where we do business. o Meetings, events and incentive travel are smart, cost effective ways to retain and develop employee talent, build engagement, generate ideas and share knowledge that drives business growth. o Critics have mislabeled many meetings and events as unnecessary and forced businesses – those that have received federal government support and many that have not – to cancel planned and future activities. o When businesses cancel productive meetings and events, the American worker and local communities from coast-to-coast are the unintended victims. • The meetings, events and incentive travel industries are addressing an urgent public need by developing clear, workable guidelines designed to ensure responsible business travel practices within companies that have received emergency government lending. o Many prudent companies already have in place policies that ensure travel expenditures are reasonable, justifiable and verifiable. The standards we have issued are an aggregation of best practices that we are recommending our business clients follow. o Our standards support the Treasury Department’s recent call for the board of directors of companies that have received emergency government lending to develop guidelines on conferences, events and employee recognition programs. o Our guidelines demand accountability and transparency, including: • Events exceeding $75,000 must be supported by a written business case identifying a specific business purpose and positive return on objective and investment metrics; • At least 90 percent of incentive program attendees shall be other than senior executives (as defined by Treasury Department guidelines) from the host organization; and Total annual expenses for meetings, events and incentive/recognition travel shall not exceed 15 percent of the company’s total sales and marketing spend. • Clear standards requiring transparency and accountability protect taxpayers, our industry, more than one million employees and the communities where we do business. o Meetings and events are responsible for 15 percent of all travel spending and generate more than one million jobs and nearly $40 billion in tax revenue. o Bellmen, maids, wait staff and other hourly wage employees are the first to lose their jobs as meetings, events and travel incentives decline. o The Labor Department reported a loss of 200,000 travel related jobs in 2008 and Commerce Department data predicts a loss of an additional 247,000 travel related jobs in 2009. o Undue restrictions on companies receiving government assistance to conduct productive meetings and events stifle their ability to recover and place them at a competitive disadvantage

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'd Like to Know How Many Outings John Kerry Has Taken on the Taxpayer Dollar

Lawmaker Hopes to Ban Conferences for Bailed-Out Companies Posted by Jessica L. States on 2/25/2009 MPI 1:54:00 PM Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) has announced plans to introduce legislation that would prevent companies that have received bailout funding from hosting, sponsoring or paying for conferences, holiday parties and entertainment events. The bill will affect any companies that have received government help under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). “I’m sick and tired of picking up the newspaper and reading about another idiotic abuse of taxpayer money while our country is on the brink,” Kerry said. “Americans who play by the rules are losing their jobs and struggling to pay their mortgages. The companies that came to Congress in desperate need of help to stay afloat become their own worst enemies when they pull stunts like this. It’s an embarrassment that this legislation is necessary, but some companies clearly need a reality check to get their priorities straight so taxpayer money is used to get their house in order and not to pay for lavish parties. Congress has zero tolerance for this kind of excess.” Companies may seek waivers under the proposal from the U.S. Secretary of Treasury for events that the recipients believe are directly related to business operations. The secretary would have 30 days to respond. Violations will require company CEOs to reimburse the federal government for the cost of the event and pay a US$100,000 fine.

Hoteliers Speak Out for more biz trips

Hoteliers fear lasting damage from critics of business trips By Matthew Garrahan in Los Angeles Published: February 26 2009 17:52 | Last updated: February 26 2009 17:52 The world’s largest hotel companies have launched a co-ordinated political lobbying effort aimed at toning down criticism of banks and insurance companies that spend money on large meetings or conferences. Senior executives from Marriott, Starwood, Hyatt, Hilton and InterContinental Hotels Group have written to members of the US congress warning them that companies – including those that have not received government assistance – “are cancelling business meetings because they fear being criticised”. Since the start of the financial crisis, US politicians have been quick to criticise groups such as AIG that continued to hold company get-togethers and conferences even after they received taxpayer aid. But in the letter to congress, the leisure companies – which include Walt Disney, Carlson Hotels Worldwide and Wyndham Worldwide – call for a softening of political rhetoric to avoid lasting damage being done to the hospitality industry. Meeting and event cancellations have “serious economic consequences”, they say. They warn that if cancellations continue the US hotel and leisure industry will be hit hard: nearly 200,000 US travel industry-related jobs were lost in 2008 and the companies say that almost 250,000 are forecast to go this year. They urge the politicians to champion the adoption of “prudent guidelines” for companies so that they can continue meeting “instead of legislating rules that may unintentionally hinder economic recovery”. The hotel companies are also running a series of press advertisements urging companies to continue booking meetings. They are fighting a battle on two fronts as they try to weather the slump: the credit crunch has made it difficult for owners to raise the new capital they need to develop new properties while the economic downturn has caused a dip in business travel volumes. “A robust travel industry is a powerful economic stimulus,” the companies say in the letter, which is signed by, among others, Bill Marriott, the chief executive of Marriott, Jay Rasulo, the chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, and Christopher Nassetta, the chief executive of Hilton Hotels Corporation. Las Vegas casino operators have also been hit by political criticism, which they say has caused bookings to drop off. Barack Obama warned this month that companies receiving government bailout money would not be able to go to Las Vegas “on the taxpayers’ dime”. The warning alarmed hotel operators and casino companies in the city, which has been hit by a steep decline in visitor attendance. “It’s very anti-stimulus, it’s pro-recessionary, pro-unemployment,” Sheldon Adelson, chief executive of Las Vegas Sands, told Bloomberg. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Traditional Mexico

If you have a small group that is going to Mexico offer them a step outside the ordinary. There are so many wonderful locations in Mexico that still offer a sense of what Mexico was meant to be before the mega all-inclusive resort boom took place. Mexico Boutique Hotels offers an extraordinary selection of hotels with character, unique experiences, outstanding design, original cuisine, and personalized service that will provide your Executives and Clients an event they will not soon forget. Selections are offered in many of the common resort areas as well as off the beaten path along the coastline and inland in many of the historical cities. You can select to stay at one location such as Verana in Puerta Vallarta, Casa Sandra in Isla Hobox just outside Cancun, or Casa Yal'ma Ka'an in Acapulco, these are just a few of the many great options. In addition you can select a multi stop loop experience that provides a taste of a few different areas all with extraordinary culture and flavor. A great example is a Central Pacific circuit tour which would take you through the exclusive Costalegre region including Puerta Vallarta, La Cruz De Loreto, Careyes and Tamarindo. This coastline trip offers wonderful small towns, beaches, and incredible golf all complimented by wonderful small boutique hotels. For an inland experience sample some fantastic history by starting in Mexico City and visiting the small towns of Cholula and Puebla. Two fascinating hotel experiences in this area are La Purificadora in Puebla and La Quinta Luna in Cholula. If you have an interest in getting back to the heart of Mexico and having a travel experience which encompasses the passion of this culture and provides extraordinary service and exclusive experiences, then this is the way to go. ASK YOUR TRAVEL ADVISOR ABOUT THESE LOCATIONS TODAY.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Add some chocolate, wine and tea to your next break

ScienceDaily (2008-12-24) -- All that chocolate might actually help finish the bumper Christmas crossword over the seasonal period. According to Oxford researchers working with colleagues in Norway, chocolate, wine and tea enhance cognitive performance. Read more at the Meeting Support Institute.

Interesting Info from Meeting Support Institute

ROI is History- Elling Hamso, Managing Partner of European Event ROI Institute has recently published the article 'ROI is History - How to Survive a Recession'. You may read it on or download in pdf format from The article explains the close connection between Meeting Architecture and the ROI Methodology and how the two concepts when applied together can be a very powerful way of securing event budgets in times of recession. If you want to learn more, sign up for one of nearly 40 one-day ROI courses in the spring programme on Readers of Meeting Support Institute newsletter receive EUR 100 discount on the course fee (promotion code 'msireader').