Friday, June 19, 2009

Dream Outdoors Executive Community

Dream Outdoors is getting ready to unveil a new online community for Executives. The community will include access to a portfolio of unique event experiences as well as access to key strategic facilitators. This will be a one stop solution for anyone looking for a place to come together and discuss experiences for Executive Retreats, Professional Development, Client Entertaiment, and Incentive programs. You will have the ability to submit RFP's and recieve custom objective driven experience solutions to meet your event needs. Dream Outdoors has reached out to leading Strategic Trainers and Development Professionals to compliment the community by offering insight and solution topics that can be integrated with destination based programs. Althought the focus will be on active and sporting programs, participants will be encouraged to network and find the services they need in any area. In a time when organizations are searching for effective corporate event tools that provide a high return on objectives, Dream Outdoors hopes to provide a custom solution to meet the needs of the experiential marketplace.

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