Sunday, February 8, 2009

Traditional Mexico

If you have a small group that is going to Mexico offer them a step outside the ordinary. There are so many wonderful locations in Mexico that still offer a sense of what Mexico was meant to be before the mega all-inclusive resort boom took place. Mexico Boutique Hotels offers an extraordinary selection of hotels with character, unique experiences, outstanding design, original cuisine, and personalized service that will provide your Executives and Clients an event they will not soon forget. Selections are offered in many of the common resort areas as well as off the beaten path along the coastline and inland in many of the historical cities. You can select to stay at one location such as Verana in Puerta Vallarta, Casa Sandra in Isla Hobox just outside Cancun, or Casa Yal'ma Ka'an in Acapulco, these are just a few of the many great options. In addition you can select a multi stop loop experience that provides a taste of a few different areas all with extraordinary culture and flavor. A great example is a Central Pacific circuit tour which would take you through the exclusive Costalegre region including Puerta Vallarta, La Cruz De Loreto, Careyes and Tamarindo. This coastline trip offers wonderful small towns, beaches, and incredible golf all complimented by wonderful small boutique hotels. For an inland experience sample some fantastic history by starting in Mexico City and visiting the small towns of Cholula and Puebla. Two fascinating hotel experiences in this area are La Purificadora in Puebla and La Quinta Luna in Cholula. If you have an interest in getting back to the heart of Mexico and having a travel experience which encompasses the passion of this culture and provides extraordinary service and exclusive experiences, then this is the way to go. ASK YOUR TRAVEL ADVISOR ABOUT THESE LOCATIONS TODAY.

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