Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Voluntourism Event Experiences

I have seen an increase in the number of clients who are interested in voluntourism. Voluntourism is when you participate in a work project during your meeting and event experience with a local community. Can be things like building houses, working in hospitals, teaching English, helping children, even tagging whales, Lemurs and sea turtles. The apprehension that many travelers have with feeling as though it's "roughing it" or unsafe is finally peeling back and people are seeing the true value the experience can provide to their overall trip satisfaction.
Voluntoursim offers the opportunity to see the true color and flavor of a destination. It allows guests to meet the families and workers. Experience what a day at school is like for the children, how hard locals may work to provide proper shelter, the rewarding feeling of installing a clean water system for a village of hundreds of thirsty mouths. You can go on a 3 hour whale watching tour hoping to clip a picture from hundreds of yards away, or you can touch them up close through voluntourism, helping to sustain their lifeline by assisting with tagging and research. Measure turtles and help them nest eggs, search for birds that are on the brink of extinction, Help displaced children who need nothing but a hug and warm heart.
Voluntourism not only provides you with a true "red carpet experience", but nowadays it can be an incredibly well priced option to enjoy an experience that may otherwise cost sometimes double. The Cook Islands, the Azores Archipelago, Madagascar, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Europe, and all over the far east. These exotic locations all offer extraordinary, and most importantly safe, voluntourism experiences anywhere from 5-30 days in length. Many can be taken advantage of on an individual basis as well as in small groups and most importantly families. Are you looking for a way to engaged your employees, their families, or your clients with something more than standard tours, boogie boards and waterparks? Try introducing them to hundreds of local children in Madagascar where they can go into the jungle and search for Lemurs. I guarantee you will not have any pouting during this adventure, except when it's time to leave your new friends. Lastly, There are still many wonderful options for voluntourism here in the United States. Spend a few days during the holiday season or on a school break helping other in local communities. In addition to many other areas, currently there are great opportunities in Minnesota, West Virginia, and Montana for you to have great voluntourism experiences.
Bottom line, there is no better feeling than leaving your event experience with a feeling that you were able to make a difference in the world, and during that process you had a darn good time, met some extraordinary people, and saw some unbelievable things. Ask your meeting advisor about it today.